National Youth Screening & Assessment Partners

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“We have the expertise in juvenile justice screening and assessment to offer flexible solutions to your training and technical assistance needs.”


The National Youth Screening & Assessment Partners (NYSAP) is a technical assistance and research group, dedicated to helping juvenile justice programs identify youths’ needs for behavioral health intervention and risk management.

NYSAP has been working with juvenile justice programs nationwide since 2000. We provide training and implementation technical assistance services to agencies and programs in the areas of risk screening and risk-needs assessment, behavioral health screening (including traumatic events and symptoms), and juveniles’ competence to stand trial evaluations. We also provide many other trainings for various stakeholder groups.

NYSAP assists juvenile justice systems to make decisions about adolescents that are consistent with youths’ health and positive development and with the community’s interests. We do this by helping systems use reliable, evidence-based methods for screening and assessment. We focus on various decision points in the juvenile justice process—diversion, detention, probation and case management, and judicial decisions.

To accomplish this, we use sound research-based methods to assist juvenile justice systems to:

  • Select appropriate screening and assessment methods
  • Develop appropriate policies for their use
  • Train personnel in those methods and policies, as well as the instrument's use (e.g., case planning) to arrive at appropriate decisions about youth
  • Assist in development of sustained quality of practice, including quality assurance

NYSAP also performs research of two types:

  1. development of screening tools and assessment methods for use in various juvenile justice settings, and
  2. evaluation of the impact and value of implementing screening tools and assessment methods in those settings.

Contact us to inquire about training or implementation support within any of our areas of service.

States NYSAP has assisted

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States NYSAP has Assisted

Keynotes and Presentations

Kathleen Kemp presented at the University of New Mexico's Law & Mental Health Series: "Expanding the role of Nonclinical Staff: A Case Example of Implementing a Brief Intervention for Suicidality in the Juvenile Legal System" - May 2024
Keith Cruise will be the keynote speaker at the 5th Australiasian Youth Justice Conference in April 2024
In June – Keith Cruise, Director of Behavioral Health Screening Services, provided testimony to the Commission on Native Children - as part of a virtual hearing on education and social services to prevent and address youth justice involvement.